What networking is and is not

Networking is not: “Hello Esther Duflo, I am also a female economist.”

Important to ask: what am I looking to get out of this? Coauthors, people to read my papers, people to help with teaching, etc. Know your goals.

Approach networking as “what can I do for you?”

External Networking

Organize sessions at conferences, particularly regional conferences. It’s a great way to reach out to people you want to meet, junior and senior, and even if they say no, at least they know your name. Ask famous people to chair the session (it’s less work than presenting or discussing). Have discussants be non-presenters, to increase numbers. Schedule back to back sessions to create a mini conference in your area of interest.

Read the interesting papers before conferences. Brilliant questions are not produced in the moment during the 15 minute presentation; read the paper beforehand and you’ll have a better start. Chat with the speaker after the presentation. Send them notes and helpful citations.

Liberal arts is a great network. We often seek each other out at conferences.

If you’re shy, volunteer to do a job, give you a reason to make contact. E.g. CSWEP events often need helpers.

Don’t be embarrassed to hang on to the one person you know at a big conference. We get it. We all started somewhere.

Invite people to give seminars at your institution. CSWEP has money to add an extra day to a visit for mentoring.

If you have great networks, sponsor others. If you have to say no to something, suggest someone in your network.

Sent your paper to everyone you cite, especially before conferences. Suggest coffee.

“I cite your paper on page X in paragraph Y.” People will check to see if you cited them correctly, then end up reading the abstract and maybe intro.

Internal Networking

Do one high profile committee to get name/face recognition, then step back till after tenure.

There’s no way to not do any (service) work, but make it strategic (learn things) and high profile (name known).

“People need to know who you are” really does mean just that. It doesn’t mean all people have to like you, nor that you need to do a ton of service work.

Being known in the junior network at your institution is not enough (i.e. the happy hour listserve). Seniors need to know you too.

Reach out to a senior female professor outside your field at your institution.

Be present and be visible. Limit working at home or with office door closed.

from jess: tweet

Live Tweet conferences.

At #ABCA, I reconnected with @tedmiguel because I tweeted his keynote. @krayberry followed me, retweeted me. A bunch of new people followed me.

Then when I tweeted about my new paper, 64 people clicked on the link. Traffic to my website increased 130%.

At #ESAWorld2017, @FrankSchilbach asked me: “how’s the cows paper?” Wha? We’ve never talked about my cows paper. “Oh, I saw it on Twitter.”

I live tweeted #ESAWorld2017. The organizer Charlie Sprenger heard about it, came to my talk, and fixed a problem in my paper.

At #CeMENT, talking about tweeting was a natural conversation starter. Networking by tweeting about networking.

After #CeMENT, I tweeted my favorite bits of advice. @ShellyJLundberg followed me, retweeted me. IPA included me in their weekly links on @cblatts blog.

I picked up 100 new Twitter followers and 600 visitors to my webpage, 12% of whom clicked on my Research page in addition to the mentoring notes.

This proved 2 things to me: 1) Network by making yourself useful; 2) Just Tweet already!